
Experience and knowledge: the expert told why the experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise should be involved in the formation of the Register of Tobacco Production Equipment

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The expert told why the experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise should be involved in the formation of the Register of Tobacco Production Equipment

The register of tobacco production equipment will have the maximum effect if its creation and operation involves, in particular, experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute who have experience and knowledge in this area. This opinion was voiced by economic expert Andriy Novak in a commentary to UNN.


According to him, the aforementioned Register should be created, but it is necessary to take into account several features of tobacco production. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen control measures at the stage of transportation and sale of tobacco products.

"The decision to register all the equipment used to produce tobacco products is certainly correct, as it will significantly reduce the possibility of shadow production of these products. However, at the production stage, it is also necessary to take into account, for example, such indicators as the reject rate, the rate of damaged products.

To maximize efficiency, i.e. to minimize the shadow turnover of tobacco products, it is necessary to take actions not only at the production stage, but also at the stage of transportation and sale, both wholesale and retail," said Andriy Novak.

When asked whether it is worth involving experts from the Kyiv Research Institute, who conduct comprehensive research on tobacco products, in the work of this registry, the expert answered in the affirmative. He added that non-governmental organizations, including environmental organizations, could also be involved.

"Institutions that already work in this area have the relevant experience, knowledge of the ways and options for violations committed by producers and traders, and thus can further increase the effectiveness of control. It may even be worthwhile to involve, for example, environmental services in addition to these agencies. In this case, such mutual cross-control and assistance will maximize the effect of the measures for which such a solution is being introduced," the economic expert concluded.


Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, in an exclusive interview statedthat the Register of Equipment for the Preparation or Processing of Tobacco, Tobacco Raw Materials, Industrial Production of Tobacco Products, which the Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Tax Service to create by its resolution, may not have the expected effect in the fight against the shadow tobacco market without the involvement of KFI experts in its formation and work.

He emphasized that the creation of the Register as currently proposed will lead to the fact that experts will not be able to identify tobacco production equipment.

"The resolution in question stipulates that the Unified State Register of Equipment for the Preparation or Processing of Tobacco, Tobacco Raw Materials, and Industrial Production of Tobacco Products will be created in Ukraine.

This is just one item on the general agenda, and we have some doubts that it will be as effective as possible in the way it is proposed to be conducted and summarized. Ultimately, this is an important process for us as experts, meaning that we will not be able to identify the line and equipment where the pack was produced," Ruvin said.

Фахівців КНДІСЕ обов’язково треба залучити до формування Реєстру обладнання для виробництва тютюнової продукції – експерт08.05.24, 12:32

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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