
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen canceled the visit of the EC Board to Hungary: why

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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen canceled the visit of the EC board to Budapest due to recent events related to Hungary's presidency of the EU Council, and the EC will be represented at informal meetings of the Council only at the level of senior civil servants.

The head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen canceled the visit of the EC board to Budapest "in light of recent events that marked the Hungarian presidency". This was announced by the representative of the head of the European Commission, Eric Mamer, reports UNN.

" light of the recent events that marked the beginning of Hungary's presidency (in the EU Council)," the European Commission, by von der Leyen's decision, will be represented at the level of senior civil servants only at informal meetings of the Council," Mamer said.

Після візитів Орбана Будапешт отримав "жовту картку" на зустрічі ЄС - Politico11.07.24, 08:58


On July 2, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited Kyiv to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. A few days later, the Hungarian prime minister paid an unannounced visit to Moscow, where he met with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. 

In conclusion, Viktor Orban traveled to China. During his meeting with Orban, Chinese President Xi Jinping also spoke about "a quick ceasefire and political settlement" of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Угорщину можуть усунути від головування в ЄС після візитів Орбана до рф та Китаю - Politico09.07.24, 20:08


Bloomberg, citing its own sources, said that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visits to Moscow and Beijing to meet with Putin and Xi Jinping have irritated Western allies.


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