
Enemy missiles destroy monument to Nestor Makhno in the center of Huliaypol

 • 15049 переглядiв

Russian missiles have destroyed the monument to Nestor Makhno, the unofficial symbol of Gulyaypol, and 46 other cultural heritage sites in Zaporizhzhia region since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Enemy missiles destroyed the monument to Nestor Makhno in the center of Gulyaypol, which was considered a symbol of a free city. This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhya RMA Ivan Fedorov, UNN reports.


According to Fedorov, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russians have destroyed 46 cultural heritage sites in Zaporizhzhia region.

Британська розвідка проаналізувала шкоду, завдану рф культурній спадщині України15.05.24, 14:01

The steam mill, which is the hallmark of Gulyaypole, and the "House of Trade Rows" in Orikhiv were among the buildings lost. A missile strike damaged a building in the historical area of Socialist Zaporizhzhia in the regional center.

The monument to Nestor Makhno is not included in the list of cultural heritage monuments, but since 2009 it has been an unofficial symbol of Huliaypol 

- summarized Fedorov.


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