
Enemy fired 26 times in Nikopol region over the last day, 66-year-old man wounded - RMA

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A 66-year-old man was wounded and hospitalized with shrapnel wounds, a private house was destroyed and nearly two dozen houses damaged when Russian forces shelled Nikopol district 26 times with artillery and kamikaze drones.

During the day, the enemy shelled Nikopol district 26 times with artillery and kamikaze drones. A 66-year-old man was injured in the shelling, he is in hospital. A private house was also destroyed and almost two dozen houses were damaged. This was reported by the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k RMA Serhiy Lysak, according to UNN.


Nikopol, Marhanetska and Pokrovska communities. During the day, Russian troops attacked these territories in the Nikopol region with artillery and kamikaze drones. A total of 26 times. A 66-year-old resident of the district was injured during the shelling. The man is in hospital with shrapnel wounds. There were several fires. In particular, 5 hectares of wheat burned down

- Lysak said.

He added that a private house was destroyed and almost two dozen houses were damaged. Eight outbuildings, two cars and several power and gas lines were also damaged.


Last night , the Russian army attacked a lyceum, a kindergarten and residential buildings in Nikopol and Marganets using artillery and kamikaze drones.


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