
Ecumenical Patriarchate joins Global Peace Summit communiqué on Ukraine

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The Ecumenical Patriarchate has joined the communiqué of the Global Peace Summit on Ukraine. This was reported by the Government of Switzerland, UNN reports.


The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has decided to join the signatories to the communiqué of the peace summit on Ukraine held over the weekend.

Today, an updated list of countries that supported the joint communiqué was published on the official website. The Ecumenical Patriarchate, headed by the Archbishop of Constantinople, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, has been added to this list.

В комюніке є конкретні цілі, які учасники Саміту поставили перед собою - президентка Швейцарії16.06.24, 16:48


Last night, Iraq and Jordan withdrew their signatures from the joint communiqué of the Global Peace Summit, bringing the document aimed at achieving peace in Ukraine to 78 countries.

Ірак та Йорданія відмовилися підписати спільне комюніке щодо досягнення миру в Україні17.06.24, 00:34


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