
Doctors of the Shalimov Institute of transplantology performed a successful kidney transplant to two women

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At the National Research Center of surgery and transplantology named after A. A. Shalimov, doctors successfully performed kidney transplants to two women, 18-year-old Natalia and 35-year-old Yulia, who suffered from serious kidney diseases. As reported, the operations were successful, both patients are in the process of postoperative rehabilitation, writes UNN.


At the Shalimov Institute of transplantology, doctors successfully performed kidney transplants for two women aged 18 and 35 years.

18 – year-old Natalia was diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis and Stage 4 chronic renal failure.

Three years ago, she had COVID-19, which allegedly caused disorders in the functioning of her kidneys. Doctors diagnosed Natalia with chronic glomerulonephritis, and later with chronic kidney failure of the fourth stage. Later, doctors transferred her to permanent peritoneal dialysis, a method of renal replacement therapy that requires a special catheter in the abdominal cavity.

The only chance for Natalia to return to normal life is a kidney transplant. Last week, she received a call from the unified state transplant Information System, which reported that a suitable organ was found from a deceased donor.

The posthumous donor was a 62-year-old man who was diagnosed with brain death.

Last Saturday, it became known that a 62-year-old man was diagnosed with brain death due to a stroke in the Rivne  regional  clinical hospital. Unity identified  two of our patients as kidney recipients. Therefore, the team urgently went to collect organs, and the rest of the team - transplant surgeons, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, anesthesiologists, operating nurses, functional diagnostics doctors and nephrologists-prepared patients for transplantation

-said Alexey Voronyak, a transplant surgeon at the Kidney Transplantation Department.

The second kidney of the donor returned 35-year-old Yulia to a full life.

Yulia, who has been suffering from diabetes since childhood, received a second kidney from a donor, which allowed her to return to a full life. At the age of 26, Yulia was diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy, and for the past few years she has been forced to undergo peritoneal dialysis. Yulia, who is a psychologist, was forced to suspend her work due to her illness and waited for a transplant for more than a year.

Both kidney transplants were performed at the National Research Center for surgery and transplantology named after A. A. Shalimov, and both kidneys worked successfully on the operating table. The condition of the patients now corresponds to the complexity of the surgical intervention. Now both are in the same ward, undergoing postoperative rehabilitation and planning their future.


The National Research Center for surgery and transplantology named after A. A. Shalimov told about the rights of donors, as well as why the number of transplants from a living donor is now decreasing.

Трансплантація в Україні стає системною та плановою: в Інституті Шалімова повідомили, що ще 8 пацієнтів отримали нове життя23.04.24, 16:48

Iryna Kolesnik



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