
Dnipropetrovs'k region: Russians shell two communities, hit an agricultural company

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The Russian military shelled the towns of Nikopol and Synelnykivka in Dnipropetrovs'k region, hitting the building of an agricultural company in Synelnykivka, but there were no casualties.

The Russian military shelled two communities in Dnipropetrovska oblast: Nikopol and Synelnykivska. In the latter, the invaders hit the building of an agricultural company. In both cases, there were no casualties. The situation in the region was described by the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lysak, UNN reports.

An agricultural company's building was hit in Synelnykivka district. The main thing is that there were no deaths or injuries.

- Lysak wrote.


According to the head of the JFO, the Russians also attacked Nikopol district twice a day. They fired from artillery  and hit three times with kamikaze drones.

The district center and Marhanets community were hit.

There is no information about the damage and the consequences of the destruction.


The night before, enemy troops shelled Nikopol district three times. According to  the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lysak, 3 people were injured, and houses and infrastructure facilities were damaged. More than 1700 families were left without electricity.

У Дніпрі сім'я отруїлася чадним газом: батько помер, матір та двоє дітей у лікарні12.03.24, 11:27


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