
DIU released interception of occupants' conversation amid the destruction of the "Sergei Kotov" ship

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The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has released an interception of a conversation between Russian occupiers amid the Russian Black Sea Fleet patrol ship "Sergei Kotov," was hit, UNN reports.


"The Kotov was attacked by 5 BEKs". The commander of the 184th brigade of water area protection ships [Novorossiysk], who was in charge of the patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet "Sergey Kotov", describes the details of the destruction of the ship," the DIU signed the intercept.


On the night of March 4-5, a special unit of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine in cooperation with the Ukrainian Navy hit the Russian Black Sea Fleet patrol ship Sergey Kotov with Magura V5 maritime drones near the Kerch Strait. According to the GUR, the ship suffered damage to the stern, starboard and port sides. 

Як топили "сєрґєя котова" - у ГУР показали кадри знищення корабля чф рф05.03.24, 10:33


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