
Destruction of the Ivanivets missile boat: a kamikaze drone operator tells the details of the operation in the Black Sea

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The Ukrainian military explained that the defensive weapons on board russian warships are not designed for drones. Therefore, the occupiers are sometimes forced to use cannons.

Ten Ukrainian surface drones took part in the attack on the russian Ivanivets missile boat. One of the drone operators told this in an exclusive commentary to CNN , UNN reports.


A serviceman who participated in a special operation to eliminate a russian ship revealed unique details of the boat's damage. 

According to him, ten MAGURA units were used for the attack, six of which hit and eventually sank a russian warship. He also explained why the russian military tried to neutralize the drone with small arms.

Знищення російського "іванівця": в катер шість разів влучили надводні дрони - Буданов 02.02.24, 15:01

The military officer emphasized that the defensive weapons on board russian warships were not designed for drones. Therefore, targets such as the Ivanovets missile boat are forced to use guns that are more suitable for fighting other ships.

CNN journalists also witnessed a demonstration of drone operations in the Black Sea. They saw one of the drones - identical to the one used against the Ivanivets - making sharp turns at high speed on autopilot.

The military notes that at nearly six meters long, MAGURA drones can float above the water, but remain a difficult target for russians.

They are quite difficult to see, especially in the open sea. This size of the drone makes it difficult to control, as the sea can be rough, but it also makes it much harder for the enemy to hit us

- MAGURA operator told CNN in a comment .


The military also spoke about the peculiarities of the Ukrainian surface kamikaze drone.

According to one of the drone operators, MAGURAs are only a few meters long and are based on a jet ski design, but they have a long range of about 800 kilometers.

This allows a special unit in the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) to launch maritime drones at targets in the Crimea "from large sections of the Ukrainian coastline.

Від початку повномасштабного вторгнення Україна вивела з ладу третину чорноморського флоту рф - СтратКом 06.02.24, 13:07

CNN noted that, controlled from afar via Starlink, Ukraine's maritime drones can also be pre-programmed for long journeys across the Black Sea. At the same time, the pilot constantly monitors the drone's path, and the final strike on the target is often controlled manually.


British intelligence says that Ukraine's sinking of the russian missile boat "Ivanovets" will lead to a decrease in the capabilities of the russian Black Sea Fleet.

"Обмежили можливості ворога": у ССО повідомили про ефективну спецоперацію біля узбережжя Криму і показали кадри06.02.24, 14:24


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