
Czech Republic launches production of drones for Ukraine: most employees are Ukrainians

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In the Czech Republic, a Ukrainian-Czech company has launched mass production of Leleka-LR reconnaissance drones and Bulava attack drones for Ukraine, with most of its employees being Ukrainians.

In the Czech Republic, the Ukrainian-Czech Company (UAC) has launched the production of drones for Ukraine. It is a serial production of Leleka-LR reconnaissance drones and Bulava attack drones. This was reported by E15, according to UNN.


It is noted that UAC is a branch of the private Ukrainian company DeViRo, which has been developing and manufacturing military-type drones since 2014.

The company is located in the Czech city of Kolín, and its facilities allow it to supply about a hundred reconnaissance and attack drones a year.

Currently, the supply of unmanned vehicles from the Czech Republic to Ukraine is an absolute priority. In the future, we intend to gain a decisive share of the Central European market in the medium-sized drone category and supply products to the armed forces of NATO and other countries

- says the company's representative Stefan Füle.

Currently, the production facility employs about 80 people. The vast majority of them are Ukrainians. Only one fifth of the total staff are Czechs. According to company representatives, UAC will increase the number of employees.

The company emphasized that last year, in November, the company began trial operation, and in April, it started mass production. He added that this is literally military production, and the exclusive customer is the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is worth noting that drone production begins with the manufacture of precision electronics. Entire electronic units and motherboards are assembled at the company's facilities by its specialists. The company also assembles optical modules in this way. According to Bulant, other operations include injection molding, 3D printing, and machine tooling of drone fuselages and wings.

The publication adds that the Bulava drone can be armed with a shaped charge that penetrates armor up to 400 millimeters thick, or a high-explosive charge to hit trenches or command posts.


Ukraine and the Czech Republic agreed on further steps to finalize the preparation of a bilateral security agreement to be signed by the two leaders in the near future.

Olga Rozgon



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