The High Anti-Corruption Court has imposed a preventive measure in the form of detention with an alternative of UAH 20 million bail on the head of the Economic Court of Lviv region Vasyl Artimovych, who is suspected of extorting a $1 million bribe from a representative of a private company. This was reported by the press service of the SAPO, UNN reports.
On December 13, 2024, the HACC investigating judge applied a preventive measure to a judge of a commercial court in one of the regions, who, together with the former head of this court, was caught extorting USD 1 million in undue advantage from a representative of a private company
We are talking about Vasyl Artimovych, the head of the Economic Court of Lviv region, who was served with a suspicion the day before.
The court partially granted the motion of the NABU detectives, agreed upon by the SAPO prosecutor, and imposed a preventive measure in the form of detention with an alternative of UAH 20 million bail.
The preventive measure is valid until February 10, 2025.
The current and former chairmen of the Economic Court of Lviv region were served with a notice of suspicion of extortion of USD 1 million in unlawful benefit from a representative of a private company.
The High Council of Justice has given its consent to the detention of Vasyl Artimovych, the head of the Economic Court of Lviv Region, and suspended him from the administration of justice for two months. He is suspected of extorting a $1 million bribe from a representative of a private company.