
Biden urges Democrats to stop talking about switching candidates

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Biden is urging Democrats to stop talking about switching candidates and promises to "run this race to the end" despite concerns about his age and final results.

U.S. President and Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden said that he intends to "lead until the end" of the presidential race, noting that colleagues in the Democratic camp it is time to stop talking about changing candidates. Writes UNN with reference to The Wall Street Journal.


Joe Biden has reiterated that he has no intention of dropping out of the presidential election.

President Biden told a wide range of Democrats on Monday that he intends to "run this race to the end" and that it's time to stop talking about switching nominees as concerns about his candidacy grow louder

 - The Wall Street Journal writes.

In a letter to Democratic congressmen, he says he is convinced he is "the best person to defeat Donald Trump in 2024.

Байден после неудачных дебатов отстает от Трампа в опросе Bloomberg лишь на 2%07.07.2024, 07:51

He said he wasn't blind to concerns about his age and his candidacy that surfaced after his disastrous debate performance. But he said he was heartened by the "solid, unwavering support" from many and that he wouldn't have gone ahead if he wasn't confident he could beat former President Donald Trump again. 

- media reports.

Biden said similar things in the days following the debate. In the meantime, however, doubts and skepticism about his candidacy were growing inside and outside the Democratic Party.

Байден пообещал усилить противовоздушную оборону Украины после российских ракетных ударов09.07.2024, 02:58

On Sunday, five Democratic lawmakers asked Biden to pick someone else as his running mate, and on Friday, some major Democratic Party donors announced they would suspend donations until he withdraws his candidacy.

Победа Трампа повлечет за собой резкий рост доходности облигаций США - Reuters04.07.2024, 17:08


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