
Axios: US Republicans are secretly preparing for a shutdown

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Members of the House of Representatives from the Republican Party now expect a government shutdown, as Congress has not yet agreed on a budget by March 1.

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives "have moved from an optimistic cautious stance behind closed doors to expectations of a government shutdown," Axios reports, citing sources, UNN reports.


On February 15, the Chamber went on vacation, which will continue until next Wednesday, February 28.

One of the newspaper's sources said that Congress is either "close to a deal" on the draft budget or "it's about to break down.

People anticipate a government shutdown, even if it lasts only a few days

said another unnamed GOP source.

A partial government shutdown will occur if no budget or spending cuts are adopted by March 1. If they are not approved by March 8, a full government shutdown will begin on that day.

Congress has been unable to agree on a draft budget for fiscal year 2024 since the end of September 2023. Congressmen have already passed bills on temporary funding for government agencies three times. The last time, US President Joe Biden signed the law on temporary government funding on January 19, and it is valid until March.

Палата представників Конгресу США пішла на перерву до 28 лютого16.02.24, 04:09


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