
Archive of war crimes committed by the Russian Federation is being accumulated in the TOT of Luhansk region: “archival service of lnr” has collected more than 300 such documents - RMA

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The archival service as part of the agency appointed by the invaders is documenting its own war crimes. This is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Luhansk Regional State Administration.

Luhansk collaborators continue to accumulate evidence against themselves. The so-called “archival service of the lPR,” as noted by the luhansk RMA, has intensified its work on collecting documents about the participants and events of the Russian war against Ukraine.

You can provide self-incriminating evidence in 28 archives operating within the administrative-territorial units of the “lPR”. So far, more than 300 such documents have been collected.

- the post reads.

The documents include military ID cards, letters, other documents, photographs, and written references to Russian war crimes.


UNN reported that a propaganda event was held in occupied Luhansk to popularize military professions among children. Russia is trying to foster loyalty to the occupation regime and attract teenagers to serve in the army.

Колаборанти провели тур іноземних журналістів окупованим Маріуполем19.10.24, 15:40


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