
April thunderstorms on the weekend: forecasters gave a forecast

 • 31506 переглядiв

Tomorrow night there will be no precipitation, during the day there will be short-term rains in Ukraine, sometimes thunderstorms, on Monday there will be no precipitation, the temperature will be 3-9° C at night, 13-22° C during the day.

Over the weekend, short-term rains and thunderstorms are expected in most regions of Ukraine, the temperature at night will be 0-9° Celsius, during the day 13-22° Celsius, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.


According to weather forecasters, tomorrow, April 6, there will be no precipitation at night, during the day in Ukraine, except for the southeastern part, on Sunday, April 7, in most regions there will be short-term rains, sometimes thunderstorms, on Monday, April 8, there will be no precipitation in Ukraine.

The wind is mainly southwest and west, 3-10 m/s.

The temperature will be 3-9° at night on April 6-8, 0-5° in the eastern and Sumy regions, 13-19° during the day, 17-22° in the south of the country tomorrow, and 17-22° in Ukraine on April 8; in the highlands of the Carpathians, 0-6° at night, 5-12° during the day.

Weather in the capital region

Tomorrow night in Kyiv region there will be no precipitation, short-term rain during the day, in some places a thunderstorm. Southwest wind, 5-10 m / s. Temperature at night will be 4-7° Celsius, during the day 15-17°.

Третій день поспіль: тепло і вітер у Києві встановили нові рекорди03.04.24, 12:37

Julia Shramko



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