
About 3 billion euros from seized Russian assets to become available to Ukraine by July - Belgian Foreign Minister

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About 3 billion euros from seized Russian assets should become available to Ukraine by July. This was stated by Belgian Foreign Minister Aja Labib, who arrived at a meeting of the EU Council on Tuesday, UNN reports.


One of the important moments of today's meeting of EU ministers, she said, "will be a decision that will allow the adoption of texts on the release of interest coming from immobilized funds from Russian assets.

У ЄС схвалили використання прибутків від заморожених російських активів для України21.05.24, 13:48

Belgium has carried out a long process that has finally been successful and should therefore allow Ukraine to receive significant funding. We are talking about about 3 billion, which should be available by July to Ukraine, which needs it badly

- Labib said.

Also, according to her, the EU is going to "impose sanctions against Russia precisely to combat interference, the spread of fake news and propaganda, by imposing sanctions on four media outlets, including Voice of Europe.

Бельгія прихильна організації міжурядової конференції між ЄС та Україною у межах переговорів про вступ до кінця червня21.05.24, 14:28


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