
Truck crashed into a pole and overturned in Kyiv: video shown

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A driver driving a DAF truck in Kyiv this morning crashed into an electric pole and overturned on the sidewalk, the Kyiv patrol police reported, showing a video, UNN reports.


A traffic accident involving a DAF truck occurred today in Solomyansky district. Patrol policemen quickly arrived at the scene, made sure no one was injured, and found out the circumstances of the accident.

According to preliminary information, the driver of a DAF truck failed to choose a safe speed, lost control, and hit an electric pole.

"The vehicle made an uncontrolled movement and overturned on the sidewalk," the patrol police reported on Telegram.

In addition, patrol officers checked the driver's documents and found that he did not have a valid insurance policy.

The patrol policemen issued a resolution against the driver under Part 1 of Art. 126 (Driving a vehicle without proper documents) and drew up a report under Art. 124 (Violation of traffic rules that led to an accident) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

У Києві сталася ДТП на Васильківській: ускладнено рух транспорту30.04.24, 09:31

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Julia Shramko



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