
A Russian X-101 missile probably flew into Polish airspace the day before - media

 • 27098 переглядiв

A Russian X-101 missile most likely flew into Poland's airspace the day before, according to Chief of the General Staff of the country's Armed Forces Wieslaw Kukula, UNN reports with reference to Radio Liberty.

Asked whether it was a provocation or an accident, the general said that either option was possible, as Russian missiles are not very accurate and could have deviated from their course. 

"Such targets on the border between the two countries are difficult in the sense of a dilemma of whether to shoot them down or not. Because the consequences of destruction on our side can cause unintended effects on the other side. And the same can happen when Ukraine shoots at such a missile. Such a missile could fall on the territory of Poland and cause certain consequences," Kukula said, commenting on why they decided not to shoot down the missile.


On March 24, in the morning, a Russian cruise missile violated Polish airspace for 39 seconds near the town of Ocerdow, forcing Poland to intensify security procedures and mobilize its air force.

Antonina Tumanova



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A Russian X-101 missile probably flew into Polish airspace the day before - media

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