
EU ministers demand a report from Borrell on how the draft law on "foreign agents" will affect Georgia's accession to the EU - media

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12 EU foreign ministers demand a report from Borrell on how Georgia's draft law on "foreign agents" will affect its EU membership application amid criticism of the document.

12 EU foreign ministers have called on EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell to provide a report on how Georgia's draft law on "Transparency of Foreign Influence" will affect Georgia's accession to the EU, Radio Liberty's Europe editor Rickard Jozwiak said on Monday, UNN reports.

12  EU foreign ministers ask Borrell to provide an update on how Georgia's law on foreign agents will affect the country's EU accession process and what needs to be done before the final vote in Georgia's  parliament

- wrote Yozvyak in the social network X.


The Legal Committee of the Georgian Parliament considered and supported the law on "foreign agents" in the third reading in 67 seconds. The final vote on the document will take place on May 14. 

Members of the pro-government Georgian Dream party arrived at the legislature building  after riot police pushed protesters away. Police officers beat several demonstrators, and some were detained. 


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