
Xi Jinping: China will seek solution to "crisis in Ukraine" in its own way

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In its own way, China seeks peaceful negotiations and a political settlement of the "Ukrainian crisis," opposing criticism of its trade with Russia.

At a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China seeks peaceful negotiations and a political settlement of the "Ukrainian crisis" and that his country will act in its own way to achieve this goal. This is stated in a statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, according to UNN.


Xi Jinping emphasized that China's position on the "Ukrainian crisis" is to promote peaceful negotiations and a political settlement

the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

According to the Chinese leader, efforts should now be made to prevent the expansion and intensification of the conflict, reduce tensions, and create conditions for peace talks.

China is ready to continue to play a constructive role in the political settlement of the "crisis in Ukraine" in its own way and supports all efforts that contribute to a peaceful resolution of the crisis and the building of an effective and sustainable European security architecture

the Foreign Ministry quotes the country's leader.

At the same time, Xi noted that Beijing opposes other countries' criticism of its "normal trade" with Russia, which, in his words, is aimed at discrediting China.

США і Китай відновлюють ядерні переговори після 5-річної паузи22.06.24, 05:56

Lilia Podolyak



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