
We need help now, not after the war: Odesa Oblast Head Kiper on meetings with international partners

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Odesa Oblast Governor Kiper called on international partners to provide assistance now, not after the war, as Ukraine is now acting as a shield to prevent further Russian aggression in Europe.

Odesa region is visited by a significant number of international delegations interested in how to help after the war. However, the help is needed not later, it is needed now, because Ukraine today is a shield that prevents the enemy from further encroachment on Europe. This was stated by the head of the Odesa Regional State Administration, Oleh Kiper, on the air of "Topics with Natalia Moseychuk", UNN reports.

You know that Odesa region is a transit region. A large number of foreign ambassadors visit Odesa region. I have had many meetings with them. And I see that some of them are waiting. They ask what kind of help you need after the war is over... But after the war, we may not need help, it is better to help now, because we are a shield for them. 

- Kiper says.

He emphasized that in order to prevent these atrocities from happening again in Europe, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Donbas, Bucha, and other regions, we need help right now.

На одеському узбережжі знайшли річкову міну, її знешкодили піротехніки01.03.24, 13:14


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