
War of food suppliers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: not everyone likes the new rules of the game

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Vladislav Volodsky, an entrepreneur from Zaporizhia, claims that a dirty media campaign was launched against him on the eve of signing new contracts for the supply of food to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in an attempt to force his company to refuse to participate in tenders.

On the eve of the start of new contracts concluded by the state rear operator to provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine with food, a dirty media campaign began against one of the suppliers, an entrepreneur from Zaporozhye Vladislav Volodsky.

Who is behind this company and is trying to disrupt the process of feeding Ukrainian soldiers Volodsky said in a comment UNN.

"The fact is that new contracts for the supply of food for the Armed Forces of Ukraine will start operating in July. Our company takes part in tenders held by SRO.

SRO has switched to a new system of conducting tenders and, of course, this does not suit those who are not ready to accept the changes and a new philosophy of food supply for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

I am well aware that the tons of dirt that have been embroidered on me and my family are nothing more than an attempt to influence me in order to force our company to refuse to participate in tenders.

Methods and means have not changed: first there are "persistent" offers to withdraw from the race, and after refusal, a dirty media campaign begins," Volodsky said.

The entrepreneur added that he knows perfectly well who is the founder of this media campaign and what these people want to achieve.

"I deliberately recorded a video, thanks to the leak  of which I managed to identify the customer and all those involved in this dirty campaign. But this directed video contains a surprise that those who distribute it will not even guess, and which I will tell you about in the coming days.

And I want to appeal to my opponents: I will not go to a cartel agreement, I supplied, supply and will continue to supply products for the Ukrainian army," Vladislav Volodsky added.

Lilia Podolyak



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