
US company LISCR stops transporting Russian oil

 • 33286 переглядiв

The American company Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry stopped transporting Russian oil and removed all Russian ships from its registry, allowing Ukraine to exclude Russia from the list of countries sponsoring the war.

The American company Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry has stopped transporting Russian oil, after which it will be removed from the list of war sponsors in Ukraine. This was reported by the NAPC, UNN reports.


It is noted that the company sent a letter to the NACP, where it stated that it had fulfilled the conditions that allow it to be removed from the list. In particular, LISCR reported that all vessels of the Russian Sovcomflot were removed from the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry.

From now on, Russia's ability to transport its oil has become even more limited, its isolation from the civilized world deeper, and its ability to receive "petrodollars" less

NACP writes.

They also noted that they are open to cooperation with international business and are ready to consult on the steps necessary to de-list each individual company.

НАЗК підключило до нового Порталу повідомлень викривачів 144 організації13.02.24, 17:31


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