
Urazhenikh vorozhikh litakiv could have been two - Yusov about the attack on the airfield of the Russian Federation

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Ukraine conducted a successful special operation at the akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan region of Russia, potentially hitting two Su-57 fighters.

As a result of the special operation of Ukraine at the airfield  "akhtubinsk" in the Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation, not one Su-57 aircraft, but two could be hit. This was stated by the representative of the Gur Andrey Yusov on the air of the telethon on Sunday, reports UNN.

"First of all, we State the very fact of defeat. The main intelligence directorate does not comment on the means of destruction, as well as what kind of operation it was and whose операція. Information is being updated. Indeed  very good news for Ukraine. This is the first combat defeat of this "ultra-modern" aircraft, which Russia has positioned as a 5th - generation aircraft, but many in the world have doubts about this," Yusov said.

He also pointed out that there are data that are still being updated.

There is preliminary information that there could have been two affected Su-57 aircraft

- Yusov declared.

He added that there is also information about irretrievable losses and wounded among the personnel of the invaders.

"Of course, these incidents at airports, which the enemy uses in the war against our country, and the Su-57 launches missile strikes on civilian targets, such incidents will obviously continue," Yusov stressed.

Earlier, UNN reported that on June 8, Ukraine hit a Su-57 for the first time in history on the territory of the akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation, which is located 589 kilometers from the front line.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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