
Ukrainians in the U.S. extended their stay in the country: what is known

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Citizens of Ukraine, whose stay in the United States with humanitarian passwords expires this year, will receive new humanitarian passwords for up to 2 years

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has decided to extend the possibility of Ukrainians using humanitarian passwords for up to 2 years. This was reported by Ukraine's Ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova, UNN reports.

I am grateful to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for today's decision, which allows Ukrainian citizens whose stay in the United States with humanitarian passwords expires this year to receive new humanitarian passwords for up to 2 years

- Markarova wrote on social media.

According to her, both Ukrainians who arrived in the United States under the Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) program and citizens who were granted a humanitarian password at U.S. border crossings between February 11 and April 25, 2022, before the program was introduced, have the right to renew their humanitarian password status.

"I am convinced that this decision is of particular relevance to those citizens who have lost their homes as a result of Russian military aggression and have been forced to leave the territories where hostilities are taking place or temporarily occupied by Russia," the ambassador said.

Польща продовжила легальне перебування українських біженців до червня 2024 року03.02.24, 05:03


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