
Ukrainian carriers start a protest on the border with Poland: they will protest at three checkpoints

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Ukrainian carriers began peaceful protests at three border crossings with Poland.

Today, Ukrainian carriers have launched a peaceful protest in response to the Polish blockade.  The protests are currently taking place at the Rava-Ruska-Hrebenne, Krakivets-Korchova and Shehyni-Medica checkpoints, according to Suspilne, UNN reports


The protest started at 12:00. 

The drivers placed posters on the trucks with the following inscriptions: "Lift the blockade - return Ukrainian drivers home", "Stop the blockade on the borders", "If Ukraine loses, Poland will lose", "The blockade of Ukraine is a betrayal of European values" and others.


The public organization  "International Road Carriers of Ukraine" stated that the purpose of the action was to express the protest of Ukrainian carriers against the blocking of freight traffic, which began in November 2023. The organizers of the action noted that the blocking of the border by the Poles causes significant financial losses for the international road transportation industry of Ukraine, exporters and importers of both countries, and for the Ukrainian economy, and ultimately undermines Ukraine's defense capabilities under martial law.

As noted, MAPU will ensure control and order of passage through the declared checkpoints, not allowing Polish  trucks to bypass the general truck queue.

"The action will be held around the clock until March 15, 2024. Or until the borders are unblocked by Polish protesters," the statement reads. 


Today, in Poland, protesters blocked the railroad near the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint and painted grain from a freight car.

Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov stated that the situation with the blockade on the border with Poland could get out of control, it is becoming more serious and the Ukrainian side hopesthat the Polish government will eventually find a solution to this situation. 

In response to the actions of the Poles, on February 15, Ukrainian carriers started a protest near the Yagotyn checkpoint .


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