
Ukraine will not sign a new contract with russia to continue gas transit - Shmyhal

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Ukraine will not sign a new gas transit contract with russia, but is ready to facilitate transit through its pipelines if initiated by the European Union.

Ukraine will not sign a new contract with russia to continue gas transit. At the same time, the country is talking to its European partners about their need for gas transit after the contract is completed, and is waiting for the EU's position. This was stated by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal during a press conference, UNN reports.


Regarding transit. Of course, we are not going to negotiate with the aggressor country to continue (gas transit - ed.) and sign the agreement, but we have had numerous talks with European leaders on the basis of the European Commission. If a consortium or one of the European partners acts as a transit country for its own gas, we are ready to provide this service as we have done so far. The initiative here is on the side of the EU, on the side of our European partners

- Shmyhal said.

At the same time, Shmyhal noted that Ukraine's GTS is ready to function without transit of russian gas.

If not, we will use the gas transportation system for our own purposes. We certainly have a plan B. The system will not disappear. It is necessary for our country and we have other opportunities to use it, including for transit

- Shmyhal added.


The head of Naftogaz of Ukraine, Oleksiy Chernyshov, said that this year, for the first time, Ukraine managed to get through the winter using only domestic gas.

Україна проведе стрес-тест для перевірки роботи ГТС без транзиту російського газу - Міненерго21.02.24, 18:28


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