
Ukraine returns 11 more children from the occupied territories

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Another 11 children, including two orphans, aged 1 to 16, were returned from the Russian occupation in Kherson region to Ukraine-controlled territory.

Eleven more children from Kherson region were taken out of the temporary occupation. The youngest child is one year old. Among the children who were returned are two orphans. This was reported by the head of the RMA Oleksandr Prokudin, according to UNN

Two orphaned girls aged 10 and 13 were returned to the territory controlled by Ukraine. As well as nine children who have parents or one of them. These are 5 girls and 4 boys, aged 1 to 16 years old

- Prokudin wrote on Telegram.

According to him, the children are currently in a safe place where they receive the necessary medical and psychological assistance.

According to the head of the RMA, the children were taken out thanks to the work of the Save Ukraine charity organization, guardianship and custody authorities, the regional children's service and the children's parents.

According to Prokudin, since the beginning of 2024, 78 children from Kherson region have been returned to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

16 раніше депортованих до рф українських дітей звільнено завдяки Катару - Зеленський25.04.24, 10:28


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