
Ukraine received $5 billion in external financing in December

 • 24944 переглядiв

In December, Ukraine received $5 billion in aid, mostly for social spending, with Japan being the largest donor.

In December 2023, Ukraine received $5 billion in grants and concessional financing from international partners, the Ministry of Finance reported on Wednesday, UNN reports.


"USD 5 billion of external financing was received by the general fund of the State Budget of Ukraine in December 2023. Grants provided on a non-refundable basis accounted for 11% of the total amount of financial assistance," the Ministry of Finance said.

Among the donors in December 2023:

  • Japan - USD 2.2 billion (concessional financing and grants);
  • EU - USD 1.6 billion (concessional financing);
  • IMF - about 900 million USD (concessional financing);
  • Norway - 190 million USD (grant);
  • Germany - 55 million US dollars (grant);
  • USA - 50 million US dollars (grant);
  • Switzerland - USD 20 million (grant);
  • World Bank - USD 8 million (concessional financing).

"The attracted international assistance is used to finance the priority social expenditures of the state budget, in particular, to pay salaries of employees of the education and healthcare sectors, humanitarian needs, as well as to ensure social protection of the population," the Ministry of Finance said.

За 11 місяців видатки держбюджету на оборону перевищили 1,5 трильйона гривень 26.12.23, 15:10

Julia Shramko



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