
Ukraine has already sown more than half of the planned spring crops - Shmyhal

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Ukraine has already sown more than half of the planned 13.5 million hectares of spring crops - 7.2 million hectares.

Currently, 7.2 million hectares of spring crops have been sown in Ukraine, out of 13.5 million hectares planned for the spring sowing season. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal following a government meeting on Friday, UNN reports.


The agricultural sector remains one of the key elements of our economic resilience. We are successfully conducting the third sowing season during the full-scale war. We have already sown 7.2 million hectares of spring crops. In total, we plan to sow 13.5 million hectares during the spring sowing season. This is enough for domestic needs and to maintain our export potential

- Shmyhal said.

He noted that Ukraine exported more than 13 million tons of goods in April, which is more than in the last pre-war month.

In addition to improving logistics, the government is helping farmers directly. The government has postponed debt repayment to farms whose land is under occupation or in the war zone. Through the State Agrarian Register, there is an opportunity to receive a subsidy for those who cultivate land in the de-occupied territories. In addition, farmers can receive 25% compensation for the cost of purchased agricultural machinery from Ukrainian producers and 80% of the cost of demining

- Shmyhal added.

В Україні над питанням конфіскації заморожених активів рф працюватиме окрема підгрупа: уряд ухвалив рішення03.05.24, 14:56


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