
Ukraine exported 12 million tons of grain by sea in January

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In January 2024, Ukraine exported record volumes of grain through the Black Sea corridor, reaching pre-war levels.

In January 2024, Ukraine exported 12 million tons of grain via the sea corridor. This was announced by First Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko during the forum "Ukraine. Year 2024" forum, UNN correspondent reports.

According to Svyrydenko, this volume corresponds to the pre-war period.

"The launch of the new maritime corridor allowed us to export a record 12 million tons of grain in January, which is essentially equal to the pre-war period. In February, which has not yet ended, the figure is expected to reach 8.5 million tons, which also exceeds the pre-war figures," the Vice Prime Minister said.

Новий масштабний акт вандалізму: у Польщі висипали українське зерно із 8 напіввагонів, Кубраков відреагував25.02.24, 16:23


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov saidthat since August 8, "almost 27 million tons of cargo have been shipped through the Ukrainian corridor through the Black Sea, 70% of which is Ukrainian agricultural products.


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