
Two Russian "shells" toasted: scouts strike at Russian air defense positions in Belgorod region

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Ukrainian troops strike at Russian air defenses in the Belgorod region and disable two Pantsyr S1 systems worth up to $15 million each.

Ukrainian reconnaissance men attacked Russian air defense positions in the Belgorod region and fried two Russian "shells," UNN reports, citing the GUR.

According to the GUR, on January 6, 2024, another special operation took place aimed at weakening the aggressor state of Russia.

As part of a complex mission implemented with the assistance of the United24 platform, Ukrainian military intelligence operators attacked Russian air defense positions in the Belgorod region. As a result of the fire damage, 2 Russian anti-aircraft  missile and gun systems "Pantsyr S1" were put out of action

- the statement said.

According to intelligence reports, the cost of one such SAM is approximately 10-15 million dollars.

У ГУР заявили про комплексну спецоперацію в Криму 4 січня: окупанти втратили склади БК та "осліпли" на кілька РЛС06.01.24, 17:19

Antonina Tumanova



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