
"There is no military sense in such attacks": amid the shelling of Odesa, Zelensky calls on partners to strengthen Ukraine's air defense

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Amid the Russian attack on a residential building in Odesa, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on international partners to provide more air defense equipment. This is stated in the evening address of the head of state, UNN reports.


According to him, the rescue operation at the site of the Russian "Shahed" hit lasted all day in Odesa.  Currently, the State Emergency Service, police and other services continue to work - there is information about people under the rubble.

Під завалами можуть бути ще 8 людей, серед них – 2 дітей: рятувальна операція триває – Кіпер02.03.24, 18:44

Such attacks by the "Shahed" have no military meaning and cannot have any military meaning - this is terror, which is aimed solely at destroying lives, solely at intimidating people

- The President emphasized. 

The Head of State emphasized that the world should provide Ukraine with enough air defense systems, anti-Shaheddist systems and missiles.

Unfortunately, the delay in the supply of weapons for Ukraine, air defense systems to protect our people leads to such losses, to the fact that the list of children whose lives are taken by Russia is constantly growing

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized. 

Костін про удар по Одесі: цілеспрямована атака на житловий будинок02.03.24, 16:56

He noted that Ukraine did not ask for anything more than what was necessary to protect lives. According to the President, Ukraine cannot play internal political games of its partners, which

Russian terror must lose. This is fundamental

- the President of Ukraine is convinced.


Rescuers in Odesa have pulled the bodies of a mother and her three-month-old child from the rubble after Russians targeted a residential building overnight.


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