
The United States will allocate funds for more than 3 million textbooks for Ukrainian schools

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Through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington will finance the printing of more than 3 million textbooks for 12,000 Ukrainian primary schools

This year, the United States will finance the printing of more than 3 million textbooks for students of 12 thousand junior schools in Ukraine. This is stated in a statement of the White House, reports UNN.


The US government, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), will assist Ukraine in printing more than 3 million textbooks, which will be received by students in more than 12 thousand primary schools.

In a statement, the White House notes that the Russian Federation "is waging a war not only against the Ukrainian military, but also against the Ukrainian people," recalling how on May 23, the Russians destroyed the factor-Druk printing house in Kharkiv.

Через атаку рф на Харків згоріло 50 000 книг: Зеленський показав наслідки24.05.24, 10:59

This is part of Russia's ongoing destruction of printing houses in Kharkiv and other Ukrainian cities. Kharkiv printing houses produce a significant percentage of all books in Ukraine, including textbooks for Ukrainian children. By attacking these printing houses, Russia is attacking Ukraine's education system. We will not allow Russia to succeed

- the White House said in a statement. 


On Thursday, May 23, Russia launched a missile strike on Kharkiv, hitting one of the largest printing houses in Europe, factor-Druk, where books are published by almost all Ukrainian publishers.

As a result of this strike, 7 people were killed and 21 more people were injured.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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