
The United States, South Korea and Japan condemned the deepening of military cooperation between the DPRK and the russian federation

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The United States, South Korea and Japan have condemned the deepening military cooperation between North Korea and russia. They stressed that the supply of North Korean weapons to russia violates UN resolutions, threatens stability in Northeast Asia and Europe, and continues the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

The United States, South Korea and Japan condemn the deepening of military cooperation between the DPRK and russia, in particular the supply of weapons from the DPRK to russia. This is stated in a joint statement of the three countries, published on the website of the US State Department, reports UNN.


It is noted that the development of partnership between the DPRK and russia should cause serious concern to all those who are interested in preserving peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, as well as those who support the people of Ukraine, who defend their freedom and independence from russia's brutal aggression.

It is noted that the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between North Korea and russia during the visit of russian leader putin to Pyongyang on June 19 indicates the strengthening of military cooperation. Countries condemn the supply of weapons from North Korea to russia, as it prolongs the suffering of the Ukrainian people, violates UN Security Council resolutions and threatens stability in both Northeast Asia and Europe.

The United States, South Korea and Japan reaffirm their intention to further strengthen diplomatic and security cooperation in order to counter the threats posed by the DPRK to regional and global security and prevent an escalation of the situation

- the message says.

The United States also reiterated its commitments to protect South Korea and Japan.

Японія, Південна Корея та Китай домовилися продовжити денуклеаризацію Північної Кореї27.05.24, 17:53

The United States, Korea and Japan also confirm that the path to dialogue remains open, and call on the DPRK to stop further provocations and return to negotiations.


On June 18, putin visited Pyongyang for the first time since 2000, where he met with Kim Jong-Un. They signed an agreement on strategic partnership, in which they emphasized the desire to expand economic and military cooperation.

US Presidential Administration spokesman John Kirby said that the United States is concerned about the deepening of relations between the two countries, in particular, how this will affect the war in Ukraine and security on the Korean Peninsula. It was noted that putin's visit to North Korea will deepen military ties between the two countries, contrary to UN resolutions.

У Південній Кореї пояснили, від чого залежить рішення Сеулу щодо передачі Україні зброї 21.06.24, 16:59

Anastasia Ryabokon

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