
The Russians have stepped up offensive attempts in the area of Volchansk and Staritsa-Voloshin

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The invaders intensified offensive attempts in the area of Volchansk and staritsa in the north of the Kharkiv region, but the Ukrainian Defense Forces managed to stabilize the situation in the direction of Strelechnoe-glubokoe and prevent a breakthrough of the enemy's defense.

The invaders intensified offensive attempts in the area of Volchansk and Staritsa, in the north of Kharkiv region. In the direction of Streltsy - Glubokoe, the Defense Forces managed to stabilize the situation. This was stated by the speaker of the OSUV "Khortytsia" Nazar Voloshin on the air of the telethon, the correspondent of UNNreports .


Now the situation in the north of Kharkiv region is as follows: the Russian invaders have been conducting assault operations for 10 years to capture our defensive lines. Our defenders prevented the attack in the direction of the village of Slobozhansky. Active assault operations are also continuing in the north of Volchansk and in the Staritsa area. The enemy does not give up trying to break through the defenses of our units near Liptsy, Volchansk and Staritsa

Voloshin said.

He noted that the Russians conduct assaults, combining them with air strikes.

In the direction of Streltsy - Glubokoe, the Defense Forces managed to stabilize the situation. The number of assaults by the invaders was much less, but today the fighting in the north of Volchansk and in the area of Staritsa has somewhat intensified. But the Ukrainian defenders stand in the way of the enemy, trying to prevent the enemy from breaking deep into the defense

Voloshin added.


According to the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov, about 100 people in Volchansk were captured by Russian troops, and they were not allowed to evacuate under the threat of execution.


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