
The Prosecutor General acknowledged that the share of people with disabilities among prosecutors in Khmelnytsky region is very high

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Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin spoke about the first results of an internal investigation into the acquisition of disability by prosecutors. In an interview with "Fakty Nedeli" (Facts of the Week), he said that 80% of the identified persons with disabilities received this status before the full-scale invasion, UNN reports.

Kostin assures that a large-scale internal investigation was launched as soon as this information appeared in the media. It concerns not only Khmelnytsky prosecutors, but all prosecutor's offices - all levels, including the Prosecutor General's Office - and is extremely important for the entire system. 

На тлі скандалу з прокурорами-"інвалідами": нардеп розповіла про спробу рекордного підвищення видатків на зарплату прокурорам 17.10.24, 18:41

To date, it has been established that 61 prosecutors in Khmelnytsky's prosecutor's offices have disabilities. These are the Khmelnytskyi Regional Prosecutor's Office and the district prosecutor's offices of Khmelnytskyi region.

80% of them - 50 people - were disabled before the full-scale invasion. 

He emphasized that it is very important to establish the circumstances under which they became disabled, as the share of such employees in Khmelnytsky Oblast is very high.

"We will inform the public about all stages and results of this audit.

I believe that all prosecutors who are in doubt should voluntarily undergo a second examination. So far, this has not been done within the framework of criminal proceedings.

I have also initiated the creation of a working group that will include international experts. They will help to comprehensively assess the situation and develop solutions to prevent similar abuses in the future," said the Prosecutor General.

Про прокурорів-"інвалідів": активіст виявив, що 14 керівників облпрокуратур отримують пенсію або за вислугу років, або за інвалідністю18.10.24, 12:44


The scandal surrounding a large number of prosecutors with disabilities in Khmelnytsky Oblast arose after information was published in the media. The day before, it was reported that dozens of prosecutors in Khmelnytsky region, headed by their chief, Oleksiy Oliynyk, had received disability.

According to journalists, they were recognized as persons with disabilities in exchange for covering up the corruption schemes of the head of the regional center for medical and social examination (MSEC), Tatiana Krupa. In early October, as part of an investigation into facilitating mobilization evasion by falsifying disability, Krupa was found to have about six million dollars in various currencies.

Currently, the Office of the Prosecutor General has announced an internal investigation.

Нардеп: Генпрокурор зобов'язаний подати у відставку, якщо йому хоч трохи важлива репутація Прокуратури18.10.24, 14:02


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