
The owners and top management of the concern, which provided products to the Russian military-industrial complex, will also be judged.

 • 18303 переглядiв

The prosecutor's office filed an indictment against seven owners and top managers of the concern, which supplied products to the Russian military-industrial complex after a full-scale invasion, accusing them of creating a criminal organization and aiding the aggressor state.

The owners and top management of the concern, which provided the Russian military-industrial complex after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, will be tried. This is reported by the press service of the Office of the prosecutor general, writes UNN.

Prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office sent an indictment to the court against seven individuals – owners and top management of the concern, which provided products to the Russian military-industrial complex. They are charged with creating a criminal organization and aiding and abetting the aggressor state (Article 255, article 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).,

- the message says.


The investigation established that the criminal scheme was organized by a former People's deputy of Ukraine – a member of the party of Regions. The industrial and innovative group of companies of his family has been providing state-owned enterprises of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus with highly efficient and energy-saving equipment since 2014.

It is necessary for the functioning of oil and gas production, mining, metallurgical, chemical, coal, transport enterprises and other structures of the military-industrial complex of the aggressor country.

After a full-scale invasion, the owners continued to cooperate with the aggressor. Among the participants of the criminal organization are close relatives of the ex – MP, management of the industrial and innovative group of companies and citizens of the Russian Federation.

They have established deliveries through controlled foreign and Russian laying companies. It was these companies that sent "orders" to the Ukrainian manufacturer, ostensibly for the needs of a foreign party. Since February 24, 2022, components worth at least UAH 190 million have been delivered under this scheme. after receiving strategic products, "intermediaries" sent them to the Russian Federation.

The concern ranked second in the supply of goods for Russian companies, exporting 95% of the products produced in Ukraine.Materials of the pre-trial investigation against four members of a criminal organization in connection with their search are allocated for separate proceedings.

The so-called "deputy minister" from the occupied Crimea is suspected of high treason and collaboration6/5/24, 5:39 PM

Olga Rozgon



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