
The main repair base of russian ships is located in Crimea, but now it is not the best place for the occupiers - Pletenchuk

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The main repair base for russian ships is located in Crimea, but Crimea is not the best place for russians right now.

The main repair base of russian ships is located in Crimea, but Crimea is not the best place for russians now. Dmytro Pletenchuk, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, said this during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

This is a real pain for them now. First of all, they cannot leave the Azov-Black Sea region, and not all of their ships can be moved, for example, to zelenodolsk, where they have a repair base, or to the Caspian Sea. The main repair base is Crimea, and Crimea is not the best place for russians to be right now

- Pletenchuk said.

This is how he answered the question of whether the russians have facilities in Crimea to repair their ships after shelling.


The russian black sea fleet uses submarines to maintain its presence in the Black Sea. Of the seven available submarines, six are cruise missile carriers, but only two of them are currently capable of performing combat missions at sea.

рф досі не може собі дозволити знаходитися в Чорному морі надводними кораблями - Плетенчук 17.06.24, 10:39


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