
The Government held a meeting in the East: Shmyhal names top priorities for 2024

 • 24686 переглядiв

The government held a meeting in the East, at which Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal named the defense of the state from Russian occupiers and strengthening the army as top priorities for 2024.

Government officials held a Cabinet meeting in the East. Among the main priorities of the state for 2024 are the defense of the state from Russian occupiers and strengthening the army. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal during a government meeting, UNN reports.

We are holding a regular Government meeting in the East of our country. Protecting the state from Russian occupants, strengthening our army, creating preconditions for victory over the aggressor is the main priority of the state for 2024. 

 ," Shmyhal said.


According to him, work is underway 24/7 to implement the tasks set in the field of security and defense.

- The first goal is the growth of the Ukrainian defense industry on the basis of innovation and technology.

- The second goal of our defense policy is to build strong defense borders.

- Our third goal is to de-bureaucratize the army.

I am grateful to everyone who defends Ukraine, who works for defense and to provide for the army, and I am grateful to our partners for their solidarity in military support.

 ," Shmyhal added.


The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi, stated that new tasks are on the agenda for the Armed Forces. In particular, a clear planning of actions of all military command and control bodies, taking into account the needs of the frontline for the latest weapons. Also, the introduction of new technical solutions is one of the future vectors of building victory.


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