
The government approved the procedure for basic combined arms training of students and police officers

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The government has approved the procedure for conducting basic combined-arms training for Ukrainian citizens receiving higher education and police officers.

The government has approved the procedure for conducting basic combined-arms training of Ukrainian citizens receiving higher education and police officers. This was announced on June 21 by the government's representative in Parliament Taras Melnychuk, reports UNN

Approved, in accordance with article 10-1 of the law of Ukraine "on military duty and military service", the procedure for conducting basic combined-arms training of Ukrainian citizens receiving higher education and police officers. It is determined that basic training is provided to male citizens of Ukraine (female - voluntarily) who study full-time or dual education. It is also provided that basic training in accordance with the curriculum is provided to: cadets of higher military educational institutions, military training units of higher educational institutions;  cadets of higher educational institutions with specific training conditions that train police officers; police officers during primary professional training in educational institutions with specific training conditions that train police officers

- Melnichuk wrote in Telegram.

According to him, the organization and support of basic combined-arms training of applicants for higher education and police officers is assigned to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of education and science, the Ministry of internal affairs, other state and local self-government bodies (by agreement), the sphere of management of which includes institutions of higher education and educational institutions with specific training conditions that train police officers, and the General Staff of the Armed Forces. 


the law on strengthening mobilization, which came into force on May 18, provides for the introduction of basic Combined-Arms Training instead of conscription, which will be conducted in higher military educational institutions, military training units of higher educational institutions, training units (centers) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, etc. 

"Basic combined-arms training is conducted with the aim of obtaining by citizens of Ukraine a military accounting specialty, skills and abilities necessary to fulfill the constitutional duty to protect the Fatherland, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine," the law says. 

According to the law, it should start on September 1, 2025.

Public organizations and associations, including Public Associations of war veterans, will be involved in basic combined-arms training.

Such training will be included in the curricula of higher education institutions of all forms of ownership as a separate academic discipline. It will be held by men aged 18 to 25 years who are recognized as fit. Women-voluntarily.

The terms of basic military service will be up to 5 months in peacetime, of which basic combined - arms training is carried out for up to three months, and professional training is carried out for up to two months.

And during martial law – for a period of up to three months, of which at least one month is carried out basic combined-arms training, up to two months-professional training.

"During martial law, for citizens of Ukraine who have received medical and/or psychological education, and who are accepted for military service under a contract for positions in medical and psychological areas of activity, the term of military service is set at 1 year," the law says.


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