
The Cabinet of Ministers has changed the rules for serving summonses by mail: now only in person or with a message

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From now on, the postal representative is obliged to deliver the summons to the territorial center of recruitment and social support (TSC) in person to the addressee. Or, they can notify the addressee by phone of delivery to the specified address. This is stated in the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 1147 of October 8, UNN reports.


According to the document, a summons to summon or notify conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists to the MCC may be sent by registered mail with a list of enclosures and a notice of delivery marked “Summons of the MCC”, “To be delivered in person”.

Registered letters marked “Summons of the TCC” shall be delivered personally to the addressee (recipient) upon delivery to the specified address

- the Cabinet of Ministers decree says. 

In the absence of the addressee (recipient) at the address indicated on the registered letter, the postal worker informs the addressee by the available phone number and/or puts a notice of receipt of the registered letter marked “TCC Summons” in the subscriber's mailbox.

If, within 3 business days after being informed by the post office, the addressee does not appear to receive the registered letter, the postal employee makes a note “the addressee is not at the specified address”, which is certified by his signature and  by affixing a postal stamp, and returns the letter to the sender no later than the next business day.

It is noted that when delivering a postal item marked “Deliver personally”, an internal registered letter marked “TCC summons”, the addressee confirms this fact with his or her signature and indicates his or her name and initials or first and last name.

If the addressee refuses to certify with his or her signature that he or she has refused to receive a registered letter marked “TCC Summons,” the postal employee shall make a note “Addressee refused” and return it to the sender no later than the next business day.


The Cabinet of Ministers has changed the procedure for conscription, shortening the time limit for reporting to the military registration and enlistment offices. From now on, people from regional centers have to report within 7 days, and from other settlements - within 10 days.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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