
The body of an 18-year-old boy was found in a Ternopil pond, the police had been searching for him for a day

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The body of an 18-year-old boy was found in a Ternopil pond after he disappeared on June 18, with no signs of violent death.

The young man left home on June 18, he did not return, and law enforcement officers began searching for him. Today it became known that divers examined the Ternopil pond: the body of the wanted 18-year-old was found. The police of the Ternopil region reported the details of the tragic incident, UNN reports.


On June 18, around 17.00, a young man left his home in Ternopil. After it became clear that he had disappeared, the police began searching. On June 19, it became knownthat divers found the body of the wanted Vasyl Khomyak in Ternopil pond. According to preliminary information, the expert did not find any signs of violent death on the young man's body.

Зниклого британського хлопчика знайшли у Франції через шість років після зникнення16.12.23, 06:44

Police are establishing all the circumstances and details of the incident. Investigators of the Ternopil District Police Department opened a criminal proceeding under Article 115 (Murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, marked as missing.

З водойми витягли тіло 8-річного хлопчика після зникнення двох дітей під час прогулянки на кризі на Інгульці - ДСНС22.01.24, 11:44


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