
The Air Force has not yet seen the use of Russian "Shaheds" with a jet engine - Ignat

 • 27730 переглядiв

A spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force said that while Russia may experiment with drones in the future, they have not yet seen evidence of their use, and the drones they have seen so far fly at a constant speed of over 100 km/h.

The Ukrainian Air Force did not confirm the use of "Shaheds" with a jet engine, which can reach speeds of up to 400 km/h. It is obvious that Russia will continue to use Shaheds. This was stated by Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ihnat during a telethon, UNN reports .


"So far, we have seen Shahids with a steady speed of 100 kilometers and above. We have already discussed the fact that the enemy will experiment with jet engines, and how rational it will be. In fact, this increases its cost and reduces the combat part, it actually becomes a missile," Ihnat said, commenting on the information about Russia's use of Shaheds with jet engines.

Ihnat noted that the Russians will probably continue to use conventional internal combustion engines to launch UAVs.

"Shakedowns are not an easy target. It is difficult to suppress him with electronic warfare systems. Our ability to shoot it down has improved somewhat. I think they will continue to paint it black, and possibly add some other elements to make it less visible," the spokesman added.

In addition, Ihnat said that Russia launched a total of 4,637 "shaheds" into Ukraine, of which 3,605 were destroyed.


Experts have found that the combat unit of the "Shahed", with which the enemy has been attacking Ukraine lately, has begun to be additionally equipped with shrapnel to increase the number of casualties and injuries among the people.


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