
Sumy region: Russian army shells ten communities, there are destructions, dead and wounded

 • 32784 переглядiв

The Russian military shelled the border areas and settlements of Sumy region in Ukraine more than 50 times, damaging residential buildings and infrastructure and injuring 6 people.

The Russian military fired more than fifty times at the border of Sumy region. Residents of ten communities came under enemy attack. The situation in the region was reported by the press service of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

During the day, the Russians fired 51 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 289 explosions were recorded. Yunakivska, Khotynska, Miropilska, Bilopilska, Krasnopilska, Velykopysarivska, Putivlska, Shalyhinska, Esmanska, Seredyna-Budska communities were shelled.

- The OBA reported. 


According to the report of the regional military administration, the occupiers fired mortars and artillery throughout the day, and in some places Russians used MLRS and drones with suspended munitions against civilians.

Bilopil community: mortar shelling (38 explosions), artillery shelling (11 explosions), grenade launchers (107 explosions) and FPV drone attacks (4 explosions).

Shalyhynska community: the enemy used mortars (3 explosions).

Putivl community: Russians dropped 4 mines on the territory of the community.

Krasnopilska community: FPV drone attacks (2 explosions) and UAV drops of explosives (7 explosions), mortar attacks (20 explosions) and artillery shelling (5 explosions) were recorded.

Velykopysarivska community: there was a mortar attack (5 explosions).

Myropilska community: there was a UAV attack to drop an explosive device (1 explosion), a mine drop from a UAV (1 explosion), mortar shelling (23 explosions) and artillery shelling (4 explosions).

Seredyna-Budska community: mortar shelling (5 explosions). 6 people were wounded as a result of the shelling.

Youth community: there were FPV drone attacks (3 explosions) and mortar attacks (3 explosions) and artillery shelling (1 explosion).

Esman community: The enemy dropped 8 mines on the territory of the community.

Khotyn community: mortar shelling was recorded (22 explosions).

Vorozhbianske community: Russians attacked with artillery (4 explosions) and MLRS (8 explosions). According to preliminary information, five residential buildings, outbuildings, power grids, and Internet connection were damaged in the village where the shelling took place.


Earlier , UNN reportedthat one civilian was killed and two others were wounded in the attack on the village of Vorozhba.

Tatiana Salganik



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