
Sinegubov on the situation in Kharkiv region: the enemy continues to destroy civilian infrastructure

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The enemy continues to destroy civilian infrastructure in the Kharkiv region, firing 30 guided aerial bombs on the area during the day.

The russians are constantly shelling Kharkiv region, in particular, 30 guided aerial bombs were dropped yesterday, private buildings were damaged and destroyed. This was announced by the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov on the air of the telethon, the correspondent of UNN reports.

Yesterday, at the end of the working day, the Kholodnogorsk District of Kharkiv was shelled. As a result of the impact, the building of an educational institution was destroyed. The enemy also shelled the border area, Liptsy, Volchansky and Kupyansky directions. Unfortunately, there are victims. Also, over the past day, we had about 30 cubic meters. The enemy continues to destroy our civilian infrastructure

Sinegubov says.

He said that in the morning, in fact, the enemy struck the center of Kupyansk with a kabom, as a result of which three  private households were destroyed. The State Emergency Service rescued one common-law man from the rubble, search operations continue.

He also said that the situation in the Lipetsk and Volchansky directions remains unchanged. The enemy also has no success either in the north or in Kupyansk region.


In Kharkiv, in the worst case scenario, the enemy will try to repeat the strategy it used against Syrian Aleppo in 2016 - when the russian air force destroyed electricity and water supply, bombed hospitals and schools.

Швейцарський волонтер поранений в результаті російського обстрілу Харківської області31.05.24, 20:59


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