
"Shakhtar creates a football team for wounded soldiers with amputations

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FC Shakhtar announces the creation of a football team for wounded soldiers who lost limbs in the war to ensure their rehabilitation through sports.

Football club Shakhtar offers wounded soldiers a rehabilitation program through sports, through participation in a new team. This was reported by the press service of FC Shakhtar, according to UNN.


FC Shakhtar announces the creation of a football team for people with disabilities. The team will consist of military personnel who were injured in the course of hostilities and, as a result, had their limbs amputated.

At the first stage, the team is expected to consist of 20 players and a coach, who will hold regular training sessions in Kyiv and Shchaslyve (Kyiv region).

The recruitment of players and training of coaches will begin in the near future. In the future, the team will participate in competitions, including European ones.

For information on joining the team, please call +38 050 217 47 96.


В Україні приблизно 20 тисяч людей втратили кінцівки через війну — AP05.09.23, 01:34 • [views_352515]

FC Shakhtar CEO Sergei Palkin noted that according to various estimates, about 50,000 military personnel in Ukraine have amputations due to injuries.

"Shakhtar is the first UPL club to create a team for amputees. Our task is to create all the conditions for these people to integrate and return to active life as much as possible. When organizing the new team, we will rely on the international practice of adaptive football.

- Palkin said.

To recap

The Ministry of Veterans and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine are implementing a project that provides for the involvement of war veterans in teaching basic military training.

Participants from 15 regions of Ukraine took advanced training courses at the National Defense University of Ukraine under an updated program.


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