
Scholz: "we will protect every square inch of NATO territory"

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NATO will protect every square inch of its territory, the German Chancellor said. He said that the Alliance has strengthened its eastern border due to the continued threat from Russia.

NATO's recent move to strengthen its eastern border is aimed at deterring Russia, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday. He added that it should be clear to Moscow that the alliance will be ready to defend itself if necessary. About it UNN reports with reference to Reuters. 

Speaking at the East German Economic Forum, Scholz said that Germany has been playing a leading role in ensuring NATO's presence in the Baltic states on the border with Russia  for almost a decade.

"And since the threat from Russia will continue, we and other allies decided last year to send additional units to the Baltic states and in the future to deploy an entire brigade there on a permanent basis," Scholz said, adding that these  changes in security policy are necessary to show Russia that we are ready to protect every square inch of NATO territory from attacks.

He said diplomacy can only be successful from a position of strength, adding that the Baltic states absolutely need to rely entirely on NATO allies who will come to their defense in the event of a Russian attack.

Німеччина підтвердила, що Україна може використовувати поставлену нею зброю для самооборони від атак рф з позицій поблизу кордону31.05.24, 12:29


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