
SAPO initiates bail collection and search for MP Odarchenko

 • 11403 переглядiв

The SAPO has initiated bail forfeiture and putting MP Andriy Odarchenko on the wanted list, accused of attempting to bribe the leadership of the Ministry of Reconstruction, reports UNN.


According to the SAPO, the MP of the IX convocation, accused of providing an undue benefit to the head of the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine, failed to appear in the High Anti-Corruption Court on September 18, 2024.

The MP did not inform the court or the prosecutor about the reasons for his absence. The defendant's defense lawyers also failed to inform the court of their client's whereabouts and emphasize the lack of communication with him.

In view of this, the prosecutor initiated in court the issue of collecting the bail set as a preventive measure for the MP, imposing a monetary penalty on him, as well as putting him on the wanted list, the SAPO added.

"The court has decided to bring the accused MP to the next court hearing, which is scheduled for September 19, 2024, at 08:00," the statement said.

The SAPO emphasized that on November 22, 2023, at the request of the SAPO prosecutor, the HACC investigating judge imposed a preventive measure in the form of detention with an alternative of UAH 15 million bail. In connection with the posting of bail, the MP was subject to certain procedural obligations, including surrendering his passports for traveling abroad and wearing an electronic control device. Subsequently, at the request of the prosecutor, the court repeatedly extended the obligations. At the same time, despite the court's decision, the internal affairs bodies did not apply the electronic control device to the person.

"Слуга" Одарченко вийшов із СІЗО: за нього внесли 15 млн грн застави24.11.23, 21:47

Although the SAPO report does not mention the name of the MP, UNN learned from its own sources that it is Andriy Odarchenko.

Нардеп Одарченко, можливо, перебуває за кордоном - прокурор САП 18.09.24, 15:37

Details of the case

On November 21, 2023, the SAPO and the NABU served a notice of suspicion to a current MP who tried to bribe a top official of the State Agency for Reconstruction. The MP's actions are classified under Part 4 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

It was established that the MP of Ukraine offered the top official an undue advantage for ensuring that the Interagency Working Group made a decision to allocate funds from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression for the repair of the university buildings, where the MP continues to hold the position of rector (whose contract was suspended). The proposed amount of the unlawful benefit was to be 8% of the funding.

Subsequently, the suspect provided the top official - a person holding a particularly responsible position - with a part of this unlawful benefit in the amount of 0.39 bitcoins, which was equivalent to USD 10 thousand at the time of the transaction.

On April 16, 2024, the indictment in the case was sent to the HACC for consideration on the merits.

As of today, the consideration of the indictment is at the final stage - on September 18, 2024, the court session was scheduled to interrogate the accused.

Нардепа Одарченка вирішили виключити з партії "Слуга народу" на тлі підозри про хабар24.11.23, 09:30


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