
Russian "military commander" who disclosed Russian losses in Avdiivka committed suicide - media

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A Russian occupier and blogger who revealed information about Russia's losses of 16,000 soldiers during the storming of Avdiivka reportedly committed suicide after his associates began to persecute him.

Friends of the Russian occupier and blogger Alexander Morozov reported his suicide. Prior to that, he had published information that the Russians had lost about 16,000 soldiers in the storming of Avdiivka. UNN reports this with reference to the Russian service of Radio Liberty and Ukrainian journalist Denis Kazansky. 


According to Kazanky, Morozov's associates hounded him and drove him to suicide "simply because he voiced facts inconvenient for them.

On February 18, Morozov published a post in which he reported, citing an unnamed source, that 16,000 Russian soldiers had been killed in the battle for Avdiivka between October and February.

In one of his last posts on Telegram, he said that his superiors forced him to delete a post about Russian losses in Avdiivka.

Addendum Addendum

The commander of the Tavria operational and strategic group of troops, Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky, reported that over the 4 months of active defense in the Avdiivka sector, the total losses of Russian troops amounted to 47,186 people and 364 tanks.

Speaking about the losses of the Ukrainian military and the Russian occupiers in Avdiivka, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that they were one to seven - the death of one Ukrainian was equal to the death of seven Russians.


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